at my worst times I wish I never existed.. how to deal with this?

I don't always feel this way, but it is like this is me and I just get distracted or busy from this till it hits again. I have nothing to live for (and not in a sad depressed way) just a fact I have nothing and no one to live for, if I drop dead right now nothing would change just like my existence is pointless. Nothing is that interesting in life to put up with all of it, I look at people and think to myself i am either the smartest or the dumbest, how do they find it in themselves to keep going when it is all pointless and it is all meant to happen anyway, yes we get to seek and pursue things but it is just formalities and how life seems to us but in reality it is all destiny. I feel like life is a card game we are dealt a hand to "play" that game of life "choose" or moves and all but at the end the choice is limited maybe nonexistence if we are to say that we are made believe that we are making a choice yet in reality the end result is predecided (yeah yeah we don't know how it ends which should keep us playing wishing/ hoping to win) but this is the issue it isn't enough to get me going in life anymore, specially that it is a possibility that I might lose, so why keep up with all this?

I always wish I never existed and that was my second-best option after wanting to commit suicide and having the idea take over me for a long time, I tried being more religious, being a better muslim and it worked for a while I wasn't suicidal but then it became worse than before I keep thinking how I could be grateful for my existence when I never wanted it to happen. I tell myself that I can't be this way or think this way and I am here in this life for a reason even if I don't know it or maybe I never will .. but again, this isn't enough I have no hopes in life, I have no reason to make it out of bed, I am silent most of the time, I don't know how to fight this anymore.

سؤال من احد أعضاء فدني

تم النشر السبت، ١٨ فبراير ٢٠٢٣

4 إجابة

First, you are not living in a simulation, or a "game of life"! You are living in a real world, that has been meticulously designed for a purpose. Everything that exists in this universe is there for a purpose, and that includes you and includes the Andromeda galaxy stars, regardless of whether you know the purpose or not. Having been created means we can only know the purpose of our creation from the Creator Himself and it takes little effort of contemplating in the verses of the Quran to know that purpose. It is centred about the concept of worship which encompasses all aspects of life. If you understand this concept well, most of your questions will disappear, you will have a great thing to live for and only then you will be indeed the smartest! Your creation comes with a great gift, a soul that will stay forever. During this stage of your existence you are tested to achieve the will of God or not, and everyone is tested in his own way. Success in this test means that the destiny of your soul will be eternal Heavens. You have not chosen your existence to happen, but someone much wiser than you did. It is a pity to hear a muslim saying she has nothing to live for in a world stuffed with problems that even non-religious people can find some joy in living a life dedicated to solve them. You have a great capacity to do something to make that world a better place and your test is whether you will use your potential to do that or not. Making the world a better place means human will be able to worship God better in this world, which serves the very purpose of your existence.

تم النشر السبت، ١٨ فبراير ٢٠٢٣

I read all your answers. Usually I felt same as you, but it's gone in the end any way because there is a big different between what we believe an what we feel, the process begin from our mind and believes but sometimes our feelings just reminded us that we are humans and we have to get some break, also we don't have to analyze and convert every feeling to logic meaning, we have to deal with it and enjoy the steps we take not the result. So we enjoy how we passed our hard times and coming back every time without mentioned how many and how was painful. Just we remember that it's okay to be not okay sometimes and focus more on good things. Try to write every day from 5 to 10 things you love your life for and also 5 to 10 things you love your self for and keep tracking your moods to understand your mental health well.

تم النشر السبت، ١٨ فبراير ٢٠٢٣

This is what Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) could say to you: I'm sorry to hear that you are going through such a difficult time. It sounds like you are struggling with a lot of conflicting emotions and expectations, and that this has made it hard for you to enjoy the things that used to make you happy, like traveling. First of all, I want to say that your feelings are valid and that it's okay to feel overwhelmed and unsure about what to do next. It can be hard to find a path forward when we feel stuck in our current situation. However, it's important to remember that there are people who care about you and want to support you, including me. It's also important to remember that your worth and value as a person are not determined by your ability to please your parents or meet their expectations. You are a valuable and worthy person simply because you exist, and you deserve to live a life that makes you happy and fulfilled. I encourage you to seek out professional help, such as a therapist or counselor, who can help you work through your emotions and develop coping strategies. They can also provide you with a safe space to express your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. Additionally, it might be helpful to talk to a trusted friend or family member about what you are going through. Having someone to listen and offer support can make a big difference. It's okay to not have big goals or aspirations at the moment. It's important to focus on taking small steps towards things that make you feel happy and fulfilled. This could be something as simple as spending time with loved ones, exploring a new hobby, or even just taking care of yourself physically and mentally. Finally, I want to encourage you to be kind to yourself and to practice self-care. This could include doing things that make you happy, like reading a book or going for a walk, or simply taking time to relax and unwind. Remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish, but rather an important part of maintaining your mental and emotional well-being. Please know that there is hope for a better future, and that you are not alone in your struggles.

تم النشر الأحد، ١٩ فبراير ٢٠٢٣

Let me take it from your prospective Now.....while it's a game and you are already in .....why to miss all the fun ...even if the fun to challenge yourself to discover this game in this world....and to discover yourself and all the mystery inside this body....really you have alot to be amazed about. This universe is full of miracles. Once you got deep in the details...I'm sure that you will find the purpose yourself. Have you ever tried to be a discoverer ?

تم النشر السبت، ١٨ فبراير ٢٠٢٣

1 تعليق

I have been there, maybe till now but It's going better than before, just forbid your brain from thinking by Its own, keep It busy, read books, play puzzles or listen to a story from YouTube, It's what It is and what's done is done, keep going, and I will keep doing the same till I feel better. And the most effective way for you to get better is to accept what you're feeling, that you're lost and confused, tell yourself it's okay to feel that way, and accept it, what you're feeling is just a part of you, you don't resist it, you learn how to live with it, by keeping your mind busy like i mentioned above. Best of luck

تم النشر الاثنين، ٢٠ فبراير ٢٠٢٣

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